Alirio Aguilera

Alirio Aguilera Finca San Isidro

My photo

Don Alirio is 48 years old. He is a tenacious person, specially when it comes to growing and caring for his coffee. His is one of the best organized farms in the region.Don Alirio has under his belt several awards and when people ask him how he has done it his humble answer is hard work and persistency. "Just keep on trying".

  • Origin : Palestina, Huila, Colombia
  • Awards : Colombian Cup of Excellence, 2013
  • Varietal : Caturra
  • Process : Washed
  • Altitude : 5,250 feet
  • Harvest Months : Apr-May / Sep-Dec

People benefited


Available (kg) Apr-May


Sensory Journey

Smooth and balanced.
Sweet, vanilla, caramel in aroma with citrus fruit notes in cup. Medium citrus acidity; plush deep month feel. Toasted malt notes notes in a sweet long finish.

Coffee Process

  1. Plantation

    Where: San Isidro farm



  2. Harvest

    Where: San Isidro farm

    Hand picked

  3. Drying

    Where: San Isidro farm


  4. Selection

    Where: San Isidro farm

    Manual selection


The smooth hills in Palestina creates a special landscape for the coffee in San Isidro Farm. The area looks more tropical and green than other parts of Colombia, partly due to higher moisture. Don Alirio inherited the farm and his love for the coffee life from his father and now the continues the tradition with hard work and continued improvement of the coffee practices.


Palestina, Huila Colombia